Because of our amazing community volunteers, we are able to bridge hope to children in our community by offering a peaceful environment where they can bond and connect with an animal friend here on our farm. H.O.P.E.-full Pastures is truly grateful for your heart to serve and help provide a safe place for vulnerable kids and their families.
We offer opportunities for high school through college students to earn community service hours as well as serve days for 4-H clubs, churches, and businesses.
Ways To Volunteer
Weekly Volunteer Opportunities
Pasture Pal *
Parents Mentor *
Animal Handler *
Barn Chores
Serve Teams
Special Events
Drives for a Cause
** Volunteer Roles for Program Sessions
Our Volunteers...
...not only make our work possible but pour themselves into making each session as unqiue as the children beside them. Each week, volunteers help to care for our animals, maintain our facility, serve as one-on-one Child Advocates and Parent Mentors, Animal Handlers and in Administrative roles. In 2022 our volunteers' cumlative donated time saved H.O.P.E-full Pastures over $47,000 in labor costs and provided priceless moments for our participants.
Over 3,169 documented hours
300 + trained volunteers
65 average active volunteers per session
Give us a Hand & Start Making a Difference!
We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities. We host sessions in the Spring, Summer, and Fall and are always looking for volunteers and will communicate via email of when our next training will be.
We also offer opportunities to help with barn chores and earn service hours. If you are interested in either of these programs please fill the form and also email Christa at: info@hopefullpastures.org to arrange.
If you are interested in volunteering at H.O.P.E-full Pastures, please CLICK THE LINK below to be added to be added to our mailing list.
Group Serve Days
If you are interested in bringing a group for a one time serve day project or volunteer for a session, please fill out the inquiry form making note of your group!
We offer group serve teams by appointment only- usually on Friday and Saturday mornings. The coordinator of your group will need to fill this form out and we will be in touch with available dates and times.
For any additional questions, please contact Janette Wuestefeld at: hopefullserveteam@gmail.com
Thank you for your interest!